Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Splish Splash!

This afternoon Parker made two big strides.  He got off of the bililights and got a bath! The doctor said he is pleased with Parker's poops and thinks his levels will come down naturally.

I have been very excited to give Parker a bath. He has not had one since he was born and so he is sticky everywhere.  Between just normal baby goup, the sticky substance that keeps his tubes in and leads on, and the stuff they have had to put on him for his EEG and other tests he was pretty funny feeling.  When we gave him his bath we noticed that his hair is actually brown.  This whole time I was thinking he had black hair after all he is Asian.  He also got to wear cloths for the first time! It was so great to get to dress him.  Strange to have a baby finally bathed and dressed.

Today Parker did not eat all that well.  It seem like every feeding he was either interrupted, or so tired he just didn't eat much. The doctor wants him to be gaining weight before he goes home.  I told Parked he needed to eat well and boy did he!  After his bath he ate for 30 min!  He has never ate for that long.  He was very content after that.  
Today we started the go home check list.  He has several things he needs to do before he can go home. He will do a lot of them tomorrow so we are very excited for tomorrow.  It will be a big day.  He is close enough to going home that we get to bring his car seat in tomorrow.  No for sure day of when he is going home but hopefully in the next few days!


  1. He looked so peaceful in the bathtub. I think he even yawned. haha. Emma loves her baths, we use them for her night time routine. Parker looks great in clothes. I loved the video and seeing you hold him. You look like a pro. Keep up the good work momma and praise the Lord for his continued improvement!

  2. Thanks Stacy for your prayers. We hope all is well in the East, sad that you are no longer in Portland.


  3. He is absolutely precious you two! So excited to hear how great he is doing & the strides he is making - you will be home in no time!! I can't wait to snuggle with him too. :) Oh and Mandy, you may be bias, but he truly IS an adorable baby, absolutely beautiful! Love it!
