Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good little eatter

Yesterday Parker got to start eating as much as he will eat on his own. This was very exciting for us.  This also meant that we got to start breastfeeding! It took him a couple of attempts to figure it out but by his 9pm feeding he had it pretty well figured out.  He is eating about 30 ml or 1oz every 3 hours.  As he starts eating more he can have his central line removed and if he is eating really well then he may not need an IV.  He finished his antibiotics yesterday but is still getting some artificial food via his central line until he really starts eating more.  He had a very small poop Sunday night but has not moved anything since.  This is one thing he needs to be doing regularly before he can go home.  I told Parker a Do-Do is on his To Do list. :) The doctors are still very pleased with is progress and it is basically just a waiting game now.  He had an EEG yesterday and we will not know the results until tomorrow.  Parker is still doing light therapy. He wears the white "sunglasses" to protect his eyes.  He doesn't seem to mind them, I would think it would be kind of nice to get to have a completely dark room to sleep in.

This morning he ate very well. He latched on with hardly any struggle. It was like he was a normal baby.    Because Parker is doing so well he is not a high priority to be seen by the doctors when they first get here so he has not see the doctor yet.  The neurologist are going to come see him hopefully today and it will be nice to see what they have to say.

1 comment:

  1. He looks so happy and content in your pictures. I am glad that nursing is going well for you and Parker. I am excited to read your blog every day and see how God is answering so many prayers. I pray for your family every night. I will be praying for the doctors visits and the results from the testing. :)
