Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Blog

As we have been married we have decided we needed to change our blog name. We are no longer the "soon to be Yans" so we got a new URL. This name should last us the rest of our lives.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The begining of the end.

Well, I am officially done with classes for my bachelor degree! All that is left is my senior practicum. It is like a residency that a doctor does, but we don't get paid and its only 120hrs. It is a way that our school allows us to get some experience in the field we want to go into. It is really great because you get to actually be a nurse, you're not just a student anymore. Furthermore you get to see if you really want to work in that area. I am doing my 120hrs in critical care. I can't wait!

I also can't believe I am actually at this point. I remember starting nursing school and this moment was so far away. All of the sudden, I'm here. I graduate in a month! A MONTH! It is weird to think that I won't be a student anymore. I figured that this semester between work and school I'm doing at least 60hrs a week (I know that is nothing compaired to what many people do every week, but it was more then I though I was doing.) When I am working full time I'll be doing 36-40hrs a week. I'm going to actually have free time. I could do arts and crafts or actually get a hobby. I can actually have dinner cooked and ready for Henry when he gets home for work!

I know this is the moment I have been working towards for 41/2 years but it is bitter sweet. On Tuesday I had to say goodbye to several people who are going to the westside to do their practicum. It hit me that soon I am going to have to say goodbye to a lot of people.

As I think back over my college career, I can remember my first day of college. I wasn't scarred, but I definatly wasn't all the confident either. I walked to the room where my class was, opened the door and looked for a seat. I grabbed the first one I could find and remember thinking "wow everyone looks pretty old compared to me!" The teacher came in said his name and declared we were having a pop quize. I had just baught my book and now there was a quize?! I got 4 of the 5 questions wrong. The teacher began his lecture speaking quickly as he "refreshed us all on biology" and suddenly I had a bloody nose. I had no tissue and had no idea where the bathroom was so I raised my hand and the teacher escorted me to the bathroom. When I came back class was over. I walked up to the teacher who nicely asked "Are you a freshman?" I told him I was and he said "O, well this is a 400 level biology class, I think you wanted Biology 101, it got moved to anouther room yesterday." Embarresed I thanked him for letting me know and scurried out of class. When I actually got to my biology class it was much easier. It was a humbling experience and one I don't think I will soon forget.

On a little different note, I have started to apply for jobs! I won't have my license until late January, but because it takes so long to hire, train, and run all the background checks on people they allow us to apply now. I am having a hard time finding full time positions, but I know God will put me where he wants me.