Monday, March 10, 2014

what we have been up too

We potty trained! He is just too cute in his little underwear and leg warmers.  Yes I put my son in leg warmers. He had some pretty awesome outfits that week.  

 T-shirt, sweatshirt, underwear, leg warmers, socks, and new shoes.  you all will you could look as cute as him in that outfit. 
 Showing off the underwear
Learning to stand still for a picture and showing off his Por Que no shirt from aunty E 
The highlight of his week, watching the garbage man collect the garbage.  

so we haven't been up to all that much but enough to seem busy all the time.  Parker is learning to talk more and more. He has 2 and 3 syllable words and some short sentences.  He says yes and no so he naturally has an opinion about everything.