Yesterday I had a big test the determined if I pass the class or not. I had to do a Head to Toe assessment on my partner. We both passes but it was very nerve racking. We both forgot to check to make sure their were pulses in both the upper extremities and the lower ones. luckily we were able to bring a note card with notes to look at after we finished. I strangely enough really enjoyed this test. We practiced several times (my partner Louly) and after we would practice we would just sit and talk. I was really great to get to know her more. I am also done with clinical. Thursday we are taking home baked goodies to the staff that worked with use, but I don't have to do anymore shifts their. We all passes that class so now all i have is written exams left. I would appreciate prayer for me as I take my finals next monday, tuesday, and Wednesday. It will be very nice to be done and just be able to focus on the wedding and setting up my new home.
Speaking of wedding Henry and I have been working hard to get everything done. Patty (henry's sister) is helping keep us on track. This will be good for Henry and I, I just hope I don't get overwhelmed. I hope the wedding can be somewhat casual, that people won't be freaking out because we didn't use enough toil or didn't have all the traditional things. I also hope that my family can get along. The rehearsal will be the first time my family will have been all together since the trial.
As for the trial we still have not heard a verdict.
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