yesterday was my 21st b-day. Most people would go out and drink right? not me...I decided that instead i would have a fatty lump removed from my inner leg. can i say PARTY! I figured the effects were similar, wake up groggy the next day, spend the day in bed, puke up a bunch of stuff ect. I will have to say that my way of celebrating was more expensive then the traditional way, but i guess i just like expensive things. :)
On a serious note... it is so weird to be the patient and not the nurse. I told all my nurses that i was in nursing school and they all said "good we all want to retire someday and someone has to replace us"
Furthermore it is amazing what humans can do to other human bodies but more amazing is how drugs effect our bodies. All i remember is i was sitting in a chair talking to my mom then the next thing i knew i was laying in a bed drinking apple juice with an ice pack between my legs. My mom said i was pretty loopy when i woke up, I thought i was being very rational...guess thats what drugs do to you (kids, stay off drugs.) God has truly blesses us with the ability to "fix" one anouther. I say "fix" because we as human don't do anything that God doesn't allow. As Proverbs 16:9 says man plans his steps but it is God direct his way (very rough translation, give me a break i had surgery)
It is nice to have this time to sleep and catch up on things, but it is still strange not to be able to run at a million mile per hour getting all my school work done and wedding things done as well.
Please pray i have a full and speedy recovery (i have research paper to write) and that God would use this time to speak to me and grow me.
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