Wednesday, September 26, 2012

doctors appts

So on 9/17 Parker got his hearing tested again. The hearing test was done to make sure he could here all tones. It is standard to do this testing on all babies who were born with low apgar scores.  Parker passed with flying colors.  No hearing problems at all and no ear infections.  He will have the test repeated when he is about 2 years old.
Later in the week Parker went to the doctors for his 4 month check up.  He is 11pounds 10 oz and 24 inches long.  That means his weight is in the 10th percentile and his height is in the 25th percentile.  His head circumference is in the 3rd percentile at 39cm. He also had a tooth! The corner of his front left bottom tooth had popped through.  It was gone the next day but my oh my what a day for a little guy.  3 shots, one oral vaccine, and a tooth later the kid needed some Tylenol.

He is still teething today, drooling like crazy, chewing on his hand like it a steak, and having some trouble sleeping.  We are hoping it gets better soon.

Here are some picture from the last week or so. enjoy!

 learning to pray :)
 concentrating on getting the toy into his mouth
 working on an evil plan to spit up on mommy
 love that he sleeps so soundly I can do things like this to him while he sleeps.
 an this
 and this
 3 months old!

Bad hair day
1 months, 2 months, 3 months

Monday, September 17, 2012

He can laugh!

love the sound of his laugh!

Parker got put in Jail at the fair. 14 week and already in jail. boy o boy. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pictures from Uncle Moe

see more pictures at

13 weeks- naked baby!

 "Hey Ladies why don't you come join me on this blanket. "

 Sad puppy dog eyes
 "I got my eye on you"
 Now that is an Asian looking baby!
 "really mom, enough with the pictures."

Yuck this flower stinks!

Ok so I went a little crazy with the naked baby pictures today but he is just darn cute.  He loves being outside there are just so many things to experience out there!  

As for Henry and I we are doing well.  I think we are adjusted pretty well to parent hood.  Parker is sleeping 9-11 hours at night depending on when I put him down for the night.  This is such a wonderful blessing.  It gives Henry and I some time to ourselves and help me be able to feel normal again as I get 6-8 hours of sleep.  It has been wonderful to see all the blessing God gives through children.  Their smiles and at this point, unconditional love, just brings joy to our hearts.  As we see people sending their kids back to school and college it is hard to imagine that Parker will be doing that someday.  Part of me can't wait to see what he is like when he is older and the other part can't believe how fast he has grown up!