Tuesday, August 28, 2012

12 week old pictures and videos

 so sweet when he is sleeping- this was take about a month ago
 3 month old photo with teddy
3 months with teddy
not much change in a month
 Bumbo time!
 Spending time with Clair and Paige Chun
 Urban camouflage 
he would blend in if he wasn't so cute!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 weeks old and counting

Yesterday Parker went to the doctor for his 2 month appt.  He is 10 pounds 4 ounces and 22 inches long.  The doctor was impressed with how good of a baby he is and how much head control he has.  He wouldn't roll over for her but gave her some big smiles.  He also got some vaccines so he was pretty crank yesterday and today. 

His height and wt are a little low for kids his age but they were not worried about it especially since he was born a little small.  They said the important thing is that he is growing and gaining weight well.  

In the video above I love the noises Parker makes.  He has learned to coo and say ahh.  It is very cute. I will try and get a video of it. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

one cute kid

all is still well with this little one.