Well I actually graduated.When we got there my family was looking at the program and saw that they forget to put my name in the program. The lady who is incharge of making the programs relized the printer didn't get my name in the program and so she had them make special programs just for me. It was nice of her to do that. They also mispronounced Yan, and Henry's name (Henry's came up to present my nursing pin to me, its an old tradition at our school that someone "pins" you.) I'll post some pictures later. Now all I need is a job and to pass my NCLEX which I plan to take in 3-4 weeks.
My Mom's dad also passed away the day after graduation so I flew over to Seattle to help with the funeral. It was really good to be with my family, especially my grandma. My Grandma LaVon is an incredibly sweat, kind, forgiving, and generous woman. She was very hospitable to me and Henry while we were there and I love spending time with her. She told me lots of stories about her and my grandpa. I had never heard many of the stories and it made this sad time fun.
Once I got back from Seattle, I repacked all my stuff and flew to Portland with Henry for Christmas. Henry's two sister and parents were there so we played games, ate way to much food, and got to see some friends. We went to a Christmas eve service with our friends Allan and Marci. They use to live in Spokane but moved to Vancouver to be with Marci's family. We spent some time catching up with them over some good Dim Sum.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Who would have thought
Today I finished my last hours as a student nurse. I will never be a studnet nurse again. It's bitter sweat. I kept thinking that something would stop me. I would fail, or the school would be shut down, or Christ would return. I mean I guess Christ could return between now and sunday and I would never graduate (which in that case I would be ok with not graduating. ) But I'm actually graduating. It is the same feeling I had a few minutes before I walked down the isle at my wedding, this feeling of oh wow I am actually at this moment that I have been working so hard to get to. I almost want to stop time and analyze it all for a while.
I talked with the Assistant Nurse Manger at the hospital i have been doing my practicum at today about working there. He said the only thing I lack to be a real ER nurse (as appose to a nurse who works in the ER) is the experience. He said everyone has great things to say about me, I have a perfect attitude and personality for the ER and my skills are there I just need time and practice to perfect them (this takes at least 5 years.) I applied for a position and he said he would interview me. It sounds really promising but it is only a part time position. It may turn into a full time position in January, but who knows.
I have applied for a few other jobs and I need to apply to several more. Its exciting to apply for Big Kid jobs.
I talked with the Assistant Nurse Manger at the hospital i have been doing my practicum at today about working there. He said the only thing I lack to be a real ER nurse (as appose to a nurse who works in the ER) is the experience. He said everyone has great things to say about me, I have a perfect attitude and personality for the ER and my skills are there I just need time and practice to perfect them (this takes at least 5 years.) I applied for a position and he said he would interview me. It sounds really promising but it is only a part time position. It may turn into a full time position in January, but who knows.
I have applied for a few other jobs and I need to apply to several more. Its exciting to apply for Big Kid jobs.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I am 32 hours away from completing every requirement to graduate. Graduation is 10 days away. I still am amazed at this.
I am loving practicum. I asked the nurse who precepts me how I was doing. She said I was doing great! I have improved in every area that she thought I needed to work on. She said I know more in 4 days then some of the new hires know in 4 months. The nurse also told me she would give me a good review and reference if I wanted to apply at that hospital to work in the ER. I talked to the nurse who does the hiring and he told me I should defiantly apply and now that he knows I am interested in one of their positions he is going to push me a lot harder. I am excited for this, I like a challenge. Hopefully I can have a job lined up before I take my NCLEX. I would love to have one lined up before I graduate, but I don't think that is possible at this point. But hey, God can do anything.
I am loving practicum. I asked the nurse who precepts me how I was doing. She said I was doing great! I have improved in every area that she thought I needed to work on. She said I know more in 4 days then some of the new hires know in 4 months. The nurse also told me she would give me a good review and reference if I wanted to apply at that hospital to work in the ER. I talked to the nurse who does the hiring and he told me I should defiantly apply and now that he knows I am interested in one of their positions he is going to push me a lot harder. I am excited for this, I like a challenge. Hopefully I can have a job lined up before I take my NCLEX. I would love to have one lined up before I graduate, but I don't think that is possible at this point. But hey, God can do anything.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Blog
As we have been married we have decided we needed to change our blog name. We are no longer the "soon to be Yans" so we got a new URL. This name should last us the rest of our lives.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The begining of the end.
Well, I am officially done with classes for my bachelor degree! All that is left is my senior practicum. It is like a residency that a doctor does, but we don't get paid and its only 120hrs. It is a way that our school allows us to get some experience in the field we want to go into. It is really great because you get to actually be a nurse, you're not just a student anymore. Furthermore you get to see if you really want to work in that area. I am doing my 120hrs in critical care. I can't wait!
I also can't believe I am actually at this point. I remember starting nursing school and this moment was so far away. All of the sudden, I'm here. I graduate in a month! A MONTH! It is weird to think that I won't be a student anymore. I figured that this semester between work and school I'm doing at least 60hrs a week (I know that is nothing compaired to what many people do every week, but it was more then I though I was doing.) When I am working full time I'll be doing 36-40hrs a week. I'm going to actually have free time. I could do arts and crafts or actually get a hobby. I can actually have dinner cooked and ready for Henry when he gets home for work!
I know this is the moment I have been working towards for 41/2 years but it is bitter sweet. On Tuesday I had to say goodbye to several people who are going to the westside to do their practicum. It hit me that soon I am going to have to say goodbye to a lot of people.
As I think back over my college career, I can remember my first day of college. I wasn't scarred, but I definatly wasn't all the confident either. I walked to the room where my class was, opened the door and looked for a seat. I grabbed the first one I could find and remember thinking "wow everyone looks pretty old compared to me!" The teacher came in said his name and declared we were having a pop quize. I had just baught my book and now there was a quize?! I got 4 of the 5 questions wrong. The teacher began his lecture speaking quickly as he "refreshed us all on biology" and suddenly I had a bloody nose. I had no tissue and had no idea where the bathroom was so I raised my hand and the teacher escorted me to the bathroom. When I came back class was over. I walked up to the teacher who nicely asked "Are you a freshman?" I told him I was and he said "O, well this is a 400 level biology class, I think you wanted Biology 101, it got moved to anouther room yesterday." Embarresed I thanked him for letting me know and scurried out of class. When I actually got to my biology class it was much easier. It was a humbling experience and one I don't think I will soon forget.
On a little different note, I have started to apply for jobs! I won't have my license until late January, but because it takes so long to hire, train, and run all the background checks on people they allow us to apply now. I am having a hard time finding full time positions, but I know God will put me where he wants me.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Swing Dancing
We went swing dancing at CJ's with college group. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures.
Lynn and Dan
Ashley and Dan
Group Picture
Me and Ashley
Dan and Jessica
Jessica and Nathan
Dan and Ashley

Monday, September 28, 2009
Midterms already?
Wow time flies! I am still doing clinical at Eastern State Hospital and really enjoy it. We have a lot of fun out there. I also found out I get to do my Practicum at an ER here in town, but I don't know which one. I have been working and studying quite a bit and Henry has been working and picking up the slack around the house. Not much has changed with us, but we are still a live and doing well.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
update 9/8/09
We had a great Labor day weekend. We went to Portland and did some shopping and visiting of old friends and some family. We got to see an old friend of mine from high school youth group and mission trip days. Its funny how there are people who you dont' see for a while, and when you do you feel like you never left off. This friend is one of those people. I love seeing her! We drove to Portland this time for a change instead of flying (weird thing to say, I know) but it gave us some good time to talk and just spend with each other.
I started school back in Aug.for the last time! Well at least for now. I graduate Dec. 13th 2009 at 3pm! I just have to make it from now until then. Its already been a busier semester then I was expecting. We have a lot of busy work to do and research projects. It is interesting stuff, but I'm not a fan of writing research papers and filling out useless paperwork. So, I think to survive this semester I am going to have to get very good with time management.
One of the things I have been learning about is Psychiatric nursing and it is kind of scary how close normal and crazy are. An example would be people who seem to be scatter brained, when they talk, their thought don't really seem connected, are showing a sign of Mania (as in bipolar.) I don't know how many of you have heard me tell a story, but I'm all over the place. Just ask my family or Henry. And for all you smart Astronauts out there, YES I am normal!
Henry is doing well. He has a BBQ, some great steak, and a wife who loves him. What else could a man want?
I'm trying to update the blog a bit more often, but school often gets in the way and its a bit more important then a blog at this point. So in short, don't expect a weekly update from this blog, but sorry it wasn't updated sooner. :)
I started school back in Aug.for the last time! Well at least for now. I graduate Dec. 13th 2009 at 3pm! I just have to make it from now until then. Its already been a busier semester then I was expecting. We have a lot of busy work to do and research projects. It is interesting stuff, but I'm not a fan of writing research papers and filling out useless paperwork. So, I think to survive this semester I am going to have to get very good with time management.
One of the things I have been learning about is Psychiatric nursing and it is kind of scary how close normal and crazy are. An example would be people who seem to be scatter brained, when they talk, their thought don't really seem connected, are showing a sign of Mania (as in bipolar.) I don't know how many of you have heard me tell a story, but I'm all over the place. Just ask my family or Henry. And for all you smart Astronauts out there, YES I am normal!
Henry is doing well. He has a BBQ, some great steak, and a wife who loves him. What else could a man want?
I'm trying to update the blog a bit more often, but school often gets in the way and its a bit more important then a blog at this point. So in short, don't expect a weekly update from this blog, but sorry it wasn't updated sooner. :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Going Private
Hey everyone we are going private. I've decided I don't want the entire world to be able to ready what is going on in our life. Send me an email if you want to be allowed access.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Welcome Baby Palmer
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Lake day
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pizza 101
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Reproof and unconditional love
I have been reading The excellent Wife by Martha Peace and many parts have been convicting, but this one part really stuck out to me this week. The section is about reproof and showing unconditional love to your husband through giving it and receiving it in a gentle, humble, loving manner. If you are not married and reading this it still applies, other people in your life show you your weaknesses and we need to respond to them in a gentle and humble manner. The bible says that we are to help our brothers and sisters in Christ become more like Christ and one of the ways of doing that is to point out the faults and sin to them. It is hard to do this in love, but it is even harder to receive it humble and lovingly. The book gives 4 ways we respond and bible verse showing those are not biblical, they are as follows:
2. You feel hurt, resentful, and unforgiving.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God is Christ also has forgiven you. Eph. 4:31-32
3. You focus on the things he is doing wrong.
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Mathew 7:5
4. You suffer intense personal hurt.
...He (God) disciplines us for the good, that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet those who have been trained by it afterwords it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:10-11 emphasis added.
When we do not respond with humility and gentleness when someone reproves us, then we are sinning. Even if the person who is reproving you is doing it in an angry, unkind manner, you are still responsible before God for your actions(how you respond.) So I urge everyone to work on receiving reproof in a loving, gently, humble way this week.
- You become angry and lash out at them.
2. You feel hurt, resentful, and unforgiving.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God is Christ also has forgiven you. Eph. 4:31-32
3. You focus on the things he is doing wrong.
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Mathew 7:5
4. You suffer intense personal hurt.
...He (God) disciplines us for the good, that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet those who have been trained by it afterwords it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Hebrews 12:10-11 emphasis added.
When we do not respond with humility and gentleness when someone reproves us, then we are sinning. Even if the person who is reproving you is doing it in an angry, unkind manner, you are still responsible before God for your actions(how you respond.) So I urge everyone to work on receiving reproof in a loving, gently, humble way this week.
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Two convicting sermons
I listen to these sermons this week by Mark Driscoll and they have been very convicting. I encourage anyone to listen to both of them.
Women and Femininity
Men and Masculinity
Women and Femininity
Men and Masculinity
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Decking 101
For quite some time Henry and I have been trying to build a deck. We had to jump through several hoops with Permits and materials and such but we finally got started!!! Its not done yet, but pretty close. Here are some pictures and once it is finished I will post a final pic.

End of Day one

Wait that's not centered on that window, hmmm what to do?

Thats better

Now we just need a door, gas line to the BBQ, finish the stairs, and our siding put back on. O and don't forget the glass for our railing. We are getting there. Slowly but surely.
End of Day one
Wait that's not centered on that window, hmmm what to do?
Thats better
Now we just need a door, gas line to the BBQ, finish the stairs, and our siding put back on. O and don't forget the glass for our railing. We are getting there. Slowly but surely.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A little behind
Wow this year has flown by. Henry and I recently celebrated our one year anniversary and I can't believe its already been a year. We defiantly had our ups and downs and we are very thankful to our friends who gave us wise advise through this last year. I personally am more in love with Henry today then I was on the day I married him and I pray we will continue to become one. I can't speak for him but I have a feeling he feels the same way. :)
Henry's still working at the same place, but I have bounced around a little. I now have a new job at an assisted living facility and I love it there. They treat their residents and staff very well. I won't say which Assisted Living because there are creepy people on the internet and I don't want them knowing where I work. I am working long hours right now, but that is only for this season of life.
I am out of school for summer break and have one semester left. It weird to think that hopefully this time next year I'll have a career job. I guess I'll be a big kid then. :)
Henry's still working at the same place, but I have bounced around a little. I now have a new job at an assisted living facility and I love it there. They treat their residents and staff very well. I won't say which Assisted Living because there are creepy people on the internet and I don't want them knowing where I work. I am working long hours right now, but that is only for this season of life.
I am out of school for summer break and have one semester left. It weird to think that hopefully this time next year I'll have a career job. I guess I'll be a big kid then. :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Murder Mystry
This weekend we celebrated my birthday with some of our closest friends. Henry wrote a murder mystery for us that was based in the 50's. It was my first murder mystery and I was quite frustrated with myself that I couldn't figure anything out. I couldn't complete my objectives and had no idea who actually was the killer. Here are some picture from the night.

Many of you know we had massive amounts of snow this year. Here is one more picture of it. In December we got at least 4 feet of snow at our house. I don't remember the actual amount that they tallied up for the month but it was the most I had ever seen. This picture was taken in the road outside our house. We shoveled our driveway so man times I lost count and each time with at least 6 inches of snow on it. Our neighbor bought a snow blower and eventually started doing our road, drive way and side walk with it. He was a life saver. It stated snowing I think on Thursday and by Saturday we needed to get groceries. We decided to Hike into the nearby grocery store (3 miles away.) We thought all the roads were as bad as ours. Once we got to a main road we were surprised to see quite a few cars out and about. The snow had all been compacted down and many car were driving with out studs or chains. We talk to my brother who came and pulled our car to a main road and we spend the next few days hiking to and from our car. We both had to be a work so it was a good thing my bro could help us. Thanks bro!
Picture Update
While downloading picture off our camera I ran into some I wanted to share

This was my Christmas party I had with my nursing school friends

These we after the big snow storm this winter. The mail truck got stuck and we all worked together to get it out. A Fire Truck, Ambulance, and Two Snow Plows also got stuck on our road that day. We did a lot of digging.

This was taken a few days before the big snow storm, I just thought it look really neat.

Happy New Year 2009
This was my Christmas party I had with my nursing school friends
These we after the big snow storm this winter. The mail truck got stuck and we all worked together to get it out. A Fire Truck, Ambulance, and Two Snow Plows also got stuck on our road that day. We did a lot of digging.
This was taken a few days before the big snow storm, I just thought it look really neat.
Happy New Year 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ok so I have completely slacked off and haven't posted in such a long time. In short to catch everyone up I am now in my 3 semester of nursing school and half way done already! I am learning about Labor and Delivery and Pediatric. It is really interesting and Labor and Delivery continues to amaze me.
Henry has started to lead the college group for out church. He has really enjoyed this and we have started going through Living the Cross Center Life by CJ Mehany. I have enjoyed going through this book as well.
Henry has started to lead the college group for out church. He has really enjoyed this and we have started going through Living the Cross Center Life by CJ Mehany. I have enjoyed going through this book as well.
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